Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Gadhafi's Precedent Golf Club Car

Colonel Gadhafi's Golf Cart is a prized possession looted by rebels from his Compound Garage.

What is it? It's a Precedent Club Car with Optional Cabin.

President Obama was playing golf at Martha's Vineyard when the revolution in Libya reached a "Tipping Point."

More on the Precedent Club Car


DRIVE IT ONCE AND YOU'LL KNOW - The Precedent Golf Car

Precedent wasn’t created overnight. It’s the result of a long, thorough collaboration between Club Car and customers. Here’s a glimpse of how much thought and attention to detail are built into every car.

• AlumiCore Chassis
• Non-corrosive, Bonded Seat
• 4-battery, 48V Power Plant
• 40% Fewer parts
• Front Suspension
• Monsoon Top

Before designing and creating the ultimate golf car, we had to discover exactly what that ultimate golf car should be. So we spent two years talking with head professionals, owners, managers, superintendents and players. We found out what they loved about their golf cars. And what drove them crazy. We asked them what they absolutely had to have. And what they thought would be great to have.
At the end of those two years, we had our answer: the ultimate golf car needed to be stronger, more intelligent, more agile and more comfortable.



Instead of starting with the industry-leading DS as our foundation, we began with a clean sheet of paper. We gave our designers and engineers the customer research, and then gave them free reign.
Customers stayed involved through the entire design process. Round after round, we worked together to build this new golf car from the ground up.
And two years later we had the winning Precedent prototype.

But design—even design that includes everything a customer could wish for—is only the beginning. Getting each new feature, innovation and convenience right requires exhaustive testing.

So everything that could be tested, was tested. Every component that could be improved, was improved. And at the end of this exhaustive process, Club Car had a golf car with all the strength, intelligence, agility and comfort characteristics customers wanted.

We knew that we couldn’t build an all-new car in the same old way. Re-inventing the way a golf car is designed also meant re-inventing the way that car is made.

That meant that every design innovation had to be accompanied by a manufacturing innovation. And it meant building a entirely new manufacturing plant dedicated solely to Precedent.

So instead of starting with just one clean sheet, we actually started with two; designing a new car—and the way that car was built—from scratch.

More Testing
We then placed more than 500 new Precedent cars on 15 courses, covering all terrains, climates and playing conditions.

Over the course of a year, Club Car representatives, designers and engineers kept up a steady dialog with owners to refine each fleet’s performance.

Only then were we willing to say Precedent was ready. That it had the strength, intelligence, agility and comfort customers had asked for. And that it would live up to our reputation for reliability and durability.

The Evidence

Everyone who comes in contact with Precedent loves the look, power, handling, storage, reliability and ease of maintenance. The attention to detail is apparent and appreciated.
The cost-saving implications for a better return on investment—and a better bottom line—make Precedent today’s obvious fleet of choice.

Precedent is much more than a car. It’s the result of hundreds of ideas, points of view, suggestions, solutions and possibilities all coming together for a single goal.

Brady Godfrey, Head Professional
Harbor Hills
Lady Lake, FL
"When we first got them I thought to myself, ‘sure they ride great now but how will they hold up after a few months?’ So far the ‘honeymoon’ isn’t over. They’re still performing as good as when we got them. They just kind of glide; you go over bumps and rough terrain and you just don’t feel a thing. Club Car’s definitely setting the pace with Precedent. Others will have to catch up."
Jim Hartley, Director of Outside Operations
PGA Estates
West Palm Beach, FL
"We’ve had Club Car fleets for as long as I can remember, because no other car even comes close to their dependability and durability. Well, now they’ve taken another step up. This is one of the most accessible cars I’ve ever worked on, and some maintenance jobs have been cut in half in terms of time and effort. I’ve been in the business more than 40 years, and this is the easiest I’ve seen it. Plus, the bag room guys love the drain spouts. They don’t have to worry about pulling into the barn, taking a turn and throwing a wall of water around."
Ian Nicoll, GM and Head Pro
Golf Club of Jacksonville
Jacksonville, FL
"We were quiet about the introduction, and let the players discover Precedent for themselves. We immediately heard positive feedback about the cars:
They love the aerodynamic shape. The car has a really unique design that says "I’m different" right from the get go."

We're still waiting on a testimonial from Colonel Gadhafi.

And there is a short nine hole golf course that runs along the beach about five miles north of Tripoli near the former Wheelus Air Force Base - airport.

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